A Rainy Day…

Rain filling up buckets    As I sit here typing, the steady, gentle rain fills the buckets, thunder is rolling in the distance (gradually moving closer) and  chickadees are singing in the trees, drowning out the grackles that sound perturbed to be getting soaked.  At least that’s the way their melodies sound to me.

Rain is getting higherOh, sweet rain.  You’re so lively, watering the weeds and little patches of actual grass, filling the air with your refreshing fragrance.  You almost sound like the ocean, splashing the shore as you hit the roof.  Your droplets, a chorus of clapping, of cheers for the earth that you’re so kindly drenching.

Thank you, rain.  We were warned that you’d be pouring down for the last three days, but that’s not happened.  Yet today, your presence has caused me to stop, look and listen for assurance.  You remind me to look up, enjoy the wetness and take in joy.

As the entire country is experiencing some kind of weather, can you, friend, find the beauty in your weather today?

Until next time,
